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Processing service overview

If you need assurances data is destroyed before it leaves your site, and you want to preserve media for reuse, Cascade may be able to help with our on-site wiping capabilities.

Cascade partners with our clients to optimize their IT asset disposition programs

Every company is different, but everyone wants to implement best practices learned across industries into their institution. 

After handling more than 11,000 unique jobs for over 1,100 customers from across North America, we recognize that selecting the right mix of best practices yields the best results for our customers. We handle any type of office electronics. See the list of items Cascade can process for you.

All our solutions work to advance the following goals for our customers:

  1. maximize value from recoverable equipment;
  2. minimize handling and reporting costs;
  3. meet data security requirements for the organization;
  4. ensure environmental regulatory compliance is achieved and organizational sustainability goals are attained; and
  5. integrate easily with existing disposal processes while moving the institution towards best practices in IT asset retirement that improve the company’s return on investment.

Cascade offers solutions in all stages of IT asset retirement and allows customers to match our services to best fit their needs every step of the way. All processing servicesinclude the following: